information & term dates

 Munchkins Term Dates

     Meadowcroft Munchkins

 School term and holiday dates 2023 - 2024

Open morning of            Close afternoon of

    Autumn Term

Monday 4th September 2023                Friday 20th  October

Monday 30th October                Friday 15th December 2023

   Spring Term

 Thursday 4th January 2024              Friday 9th February

Monday 19th February               Wednesday 27th March

   Summer Term

 Monday 15th April                          Friday 24th May

 Monday 3rd June                   Friday 19th July 2024


Munchkins Self Evaluation for 2023- 2024

The Setting


Main hall with toilet facilities attached, foyer leading to kitchen (staff access only) and main hall.  Outside area with tarmac and grassed areas, fenced and gated, all on one level.


Situated in residential area with nearby schools.  


Sessions run weekday mornings, 9.15am to 12.15pm, term time.

Cancelled until further notice: Breakfast club (8.30- 9.15am) and lunch club (12.15- 1pm)

8 staff: 1 has NVQ5, 5 have NVQ3, 2 staff is due to commence NVQ training.

7 staff have current 1st aid training. 1 new staff is due to commence training.

7 staff have safeguarding training, 2 of whom have DSO training. 1 new staff is due to commence training.

1 staff has SENCO L3 qualification.


The setting currently has 37 children on the register, 6 with SEN, 1 with EYPP and 15 with EAL.


The setting has 3 age groups: Tumbleweeds 0-2, Whirlwinds 2-3, Tornados 3-4.


Those who use the setting and those who work with us


We use chatterbags, put together from the ELDP programme in 2013-14 and HLM programme in 2015-16. These bags are designed to go home with the children for 1 week for parents and children to share and enjoy. We also have a Bedtime Story bag, Billy Bear and Bruno Dog which are for sending home overnight.  All bags/ toys have feedback forms or a diary to complete after use. The commencement of our lending library to promote home reading remains on hold.


We work with our local HV in respect of 2 year old health checks/ reviews where necessary.


We have achieved the Smile Award+ accreditation which involves healthy eating and oral health care.


We use the Tapestry Online Learning Journal system to record child development. We have gained good feedback from parents.



Effectiveness of Leadership and Management   


All staff DBS checked. DBSs up to date.

Adult- child ratios adhered to at all times.

Staff deployed to maintain ratios, working to a minimum of 2.

Basic Coronavirus COVID-19 measures remain in place and continue to be adhered to daily.

Risk assessments are done daily on hall, garden, equipment etc, broken/ damaged toys/ equipment removed. Forms completed at the beginning and end of each week with any findings recorded.

Premises checked for safety/ security daily.

Children’s personal records kept up to date and stored in a locked cupboard on site.

Toys/ equipment differentiated for 0-2, 2-3, 3-4.

Tables and chairs of differing heights/ sizes.

Less tables to free up floor spaces- children play better on the floor, freedom of movement.

Selection of boxes for free choice currently on hold due to covid. Instead, children are able to request toys/ equipment they would like to play with on an ad hoc basis.  

Self selection boxes labelled with photos of contents.

Messy/ craft areas monitored for safety as floor can get wet/ dirty, resulting in slipping on walkway. Tornados messy area set up next to toilet area for hand washing facilities.

Regular use of tablets/ electronic toys to develop ICT skills.

Use of outdoor area being constantly reviewed to support children’s requirements.

Minority ethnic groups are supported where necessary with visual aids to assist with communication.

Visual aids also used to support children with SEN.

Children are encouraged to find likenesses as opposed to differences. Differences are addressed through discussion at a level suitable to the child(ren).  

Activities are available to all children in their groups; activities can be differentiated to meet the needs of all so that they can experience areas of interest to their own level of development.

Staff have/ seek training on equality and diversity- all have knowledge of preschool policies.

Setting has designated safeguarding/ prevent officers, behavioural management officer and SEN officer.

Complaints procedure in place, re policy.

Policies and procedures available for parents to view. Reviewed annually or as necessary.

Upon arrival, staff at gate show children in.

Shared doors in hall have electronic access through to main foyer.

Doors locked in between children arriving and leaving.  

Gate secured with padlock at 9.30am, latecomers to telephone setting for access.  

Parent consultation takes place on an ad hoc basis.

Questionnaires to parents/ children to be sent out at the start of the spring term.

Annual report/ learning journals of child’s achievements at the end of the summer term.

Copy of leavers’ reports sent to new settings.

Friendly and informal arrival and departure for families.

Setting is on one level, entrances are wide to accommodate wheelchairs, double buggies etc.

Large car park attached.

Admissions policy includes all families.

Ongoing talks with children re staying safe, appropriate behaviour in the setting and towards each other, good health re hand washing, snack time, toileting, using tissues for noses, covering mouths when coughing etc.

Drinking water available at all times.

Ill children in setting are comforted until parent arrives. Please see policy n Coronavirus COVID-19 procedures.

Children with illness advised to stay home for appropriate time.

Finger guards are fitted to all doors used.

Antibacterial wipes, placed out of the reach of children, in toilet area to clean area throughout session.

Hand sanitiser used regularly by staff and children.

Educational psychologists, speech and language therapists etc- visits to individuals as and when necessary.

Area SENCO- visits to discuss any issues as necessary.

Quality support consultant- visits as necessary to offer advice and guidance to better the provision for the children. Discussions to make ideas work for us, trial and error, adaption of ideas.

News updates delivered to parents via Tapestry.

New parents and children invited to visit prior to child starting, introduced to keyworker. New parents invited in on child’s first day.

Parent rota continues to be suspended.

Well bonded team, working closely together to support each other.

All staff have engaged in training relevant to them to extend their knowledge and qualifications. Courses are continued to be attended to reinforce knowledge.

Staff meetings and memos to review observations, assessments and planning.

Ad hoc staff meetings/ informal chats to discuss individual’s ideas for setting.  

Staff have knowledge of new EYFS.

Topics done relate to the age/ abilities of each group and are differentiated within the groups..


Priorities for improvement

To continue to extend the curriculum outside, weather permitting.

To arrange further training opportunities for all staff.

To continue to extend resources, funds allowing.

Regular liaisons with QS team re improvements.

Regular liaisons with area SENCO re supporting SEN children.

To continue to promote healthy eating in and out of setting.


Quality of Teaching, Learning and Assessment


Learning through play.

Adult led activities inside and out, daily, weather permitting.

Child initiated play encouraged in all areas.

Observations done daily by staff.

Keyworker system- observations recorded in child’s personal online learning journal.

Assessment of obs to plan for child’s next steps, fed into weekly planned activities.

Children engage in frequent, age appropriate conversation with staff, building rapport with staff of their choice, not just keyworker.

Good relations with staff builds esteem to want to contribute to the group and participate in activities/ play.

Children are encouraged to find likenesses as opposed to differences. Differences are addressed through discussion at a level suitable to the child(ren).  

Activities are available to all children in their groups; activities can be differentiated to meet the needs of all so that they can experience areas of interest to their own level of development.

Selection of boxes for free choice currently on hold. Instead, children are able to request toys/ equipment they would like to play with on an ad hoc basis.  

Self selection boxes labelled with photos of contents.

Parent rota to encourage parents to join us in play- currently suspended.

Keyworkers help children to understand the values of sharing, turn taking, caring for and respecting each other.

Children are encouraged to attend to their personal toiletting, personal hygiene- hand washing after toileting, before eating, using tissues for nose wiping, covering mouth with hand when coughing/ sneezing etc.

Children are given healthy snacks, guidance that fruit/ veg are good for you- make you strong, keep you well, we need food for energy to play etc.

Unwell children are asked to stay home-(see Coronavirus COVID-19 policy) sickness and diarrhoea (48 hours after last episode), raised temperatures, sore throats etc until improvement.

Should a child become unwell during session parents are notified and asked to collect their child. Child is comforted until parent arrives.

Children encouraged to make choices- areas of play can be extended or changed to meet their needs.

Self selection areas encourage independence.

Age range of children 0-4- older children guide younger peers- encouraged.

Provision of planned, adult led activities encourage less confident children to participate, builds self esteem for future achievements.

Speech and language is guided and supported, and repeated back to correct pronunciations.

Eye contact is made, and intonation and phrasing is used to hold children’s attention.

Number language is used spontaneously in all areas of play.

Word posters are placed in areas of learning to reflect that area.

Tablets are used daily and received with excitement. Regular use of tablets/ electronic toys to develop ICT skills.

Staffs interest in areas of learning motivates children to become involved and interested. Older/ more able children enjoy challenging activities. They ask questions and find solutions to problems.

Roleplay areas are thoroughly enjoyed, these are changeable to reflect children’s choices.

Staff work well with their keychildren, obs are made daily. Each staff member has their own tablet to record obs and take photos for journals.

SEF for staff is used alongside their appraisals, these are done termly with interim appraisals/ questionnaires done at the half term point.

Children are observed in the 7 areas of learning with the characteristics of learning being included so that keyworkers are able to build a bigger picture of how their keychildren prefer to learn through play and how best to achieve their next steps.


Priorities for improvement

To continue to take the curriculum outside. Summer weather makes this easy however winter months create difficulties.

Tornados to prepare their own snack where appropriate.

Discourage dummies during session (some children need these to settle).


Personal Development, Behaviour and Welfare


Children are greeted by members of staff when they arrive and made to feel welcome and settled when their parent/ carer leaves. Children are encouraged to develop a bond with their keyworker and are shown care and attention by that person and other staff throughout their time at preschool.


Childrens’ hands are washed before snack time and sanitised after snack time. Children are encouraged to wash their hands after toileting and after playing outside.

Gentle reminders prompt the younger/ less able children to remember independently.

Children learn to use tissues to wipe noses, cover mouths when coughing then wash their hands.

Children know to wash hands before snack so that they are clean to handle food.

Children enjoy healthy snack options and discuss foods that help us grow and keep us strong.

Older/ more able children realise effects of physical activities on their bodies as they grow. They know that a drink of water will cool them down and quench their thirst.

The older, more confident children cooperate well and share with their friends.

They participate in activities of their choice and have input into areas of play.   

Younger children are generally less confident and are led by the older children who wish to guide them. This boosts their confidence.

Children enjoy having the freedom of choice within the setting. They are aware they can change the activities already out for something else.

Children realise when they have behaved well or inappropriately by the guidance and support of staff. They respond to praise and listen to/ reflect upon any guidance needed. Expectations are learned by experience.

Children learn by observing each other with regards to making choices and decisions. they learn too that all choices and decisions are personal and should be respected.


Premises is secure. Main entrance is supervised at all times when gate is unlocked as children arrive at the start of session.

Register is closed at 9.30am and gate is padlocked. Late arrivals can access setting by telephoning setting.  

Gate is unlocked again at end of session, 12.15pm.

At hometime, 12.15pm, gate is supervised by 1 staff member, foyer is supervised by 1 staff, 2 staff sit with tornados, 3 staff sit with whirlwinds/ tumbleweeds. Owner/ manager oversees hometime and is available to parents.


Children learn to share and take turns with toys/ equipment etc. they learn to treat each other with respect when playing together or amongst each other.

Children understand the boundaries of the setting and work hard to follow rules of behaviour.

Children begin to realise danger throughout their experiences. They talk confidently with familiar adults, they are comfortable to sit with adults and talk about home/ family.


All key groups have a buddy keyworker should a keyworker be absent.


The majority of the children at the setting attend regularly with minimal absences. They engage well with their keyworkers. Any child who builds a particular relationship with a different member of staff is transferred to their key group so as to continue their learning with the person they have established a connection with.

Children are encouraged to be respectful and mindful of others through turn taking, sharing, collaborating and helping. They are encouraged to be inclusive and tolerant of each other.

Children are supported to be independent, to make their own choices and have preferences. They are encouraged to learn right from wrong and to explore and manage their feelings and behaviour.   


Priorities for improvement

To reinforce adult/ child interactions and relationship building to help children feel safe and secure in the setting.

Continue to focus on healthy eating.  



Outcomes for Children


On application to the setting, parents are requested to complete a child entry profile so that we have some knowledge of their child’s capabilities, routines, interests, likes, dislikes etc before they start with us. Within 2 weeks of the child starting, staff complete a starting points form which is shared with parents to show how they have settled in and at what level of learning we feel the child is at within the preschool environment. Parents are welcomed to make comments on the keyworker’s assessment. Keyworkers make regular observations on their key children and record them in each child’s online learning journal. Observations are then assessed so that they can then plan activities for the child’s next steps of learning. Progress is monitored by data collected. This enables me to see if there are any areas where the child is lacking in obs or where they may be exceeding in their development. I can then direct the keyworkers in the areas of learning they may need to focus on with individuals so that they continue to achieve their age appropriate milestones. Each staff member in my team has different qualities that they bring to the setting. This is so beneficial as every child is different and learns by different means. They are able to impact on each child’s development by ways of playing and exploring with more outgoing children, engaging with those who want to concentrate and be more hands on, and encouraging the thinking and reasoning of the children who prefer to have their own ideas on how to do things.


Priorities for improvement

To continue to use data to track children’s progress and advise staff on where to plan for their next steps.


Overall Effectiveness


All children are treated as individuals who learn at their own pace to the best of their ability, regardless of sex, colour, culture, SEN and/ or disabilities. We aim to continue to fulfil improvement areas to better the provision with guidance and support from BCC, BLT consultant and other professionals.       


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